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Fix Toilets Grow Plants Call Home Stuck Astronauts Have Constant To Do List

Astronauts' Constant To-Do List: From Toilet Repairs to Plant Care

Maintaining a Home in Space

Astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) have a unique set of responsibilities to keep their home in space running smoothly. Their daily routines include tasks that range from mundane chores to complex scientific experiments.

One of the most important tasks for astronauts is to maintain the ISS's life support systems. This includes ensuring that the air is breathable, the water is safe to drink, and the temperature is comfortable. Astronauts also need to regularly clean and repair the station's equipment, including the toilets, showers, and exercise machines.

In addition to their housekeeping duties, astronauts also conduct a variety of scientific experiments. These experiments help scientists learn more about the effects of space on the human body and how to develop new technologies for future space missions. Astronauts also work with engineers on the ground to develop new ways to make the ISS more efficient and habitable.

A Day in the Life of an Astronaut

A typical day for an astronaut begins with a wake-up call at 6:00 AM. After getting dressed and eating breakfast, astronauts start their day with a briefing on the day's activities. This briefing includes information on any upcoming experiments or repairs that need to be completed.

After the briefing, astronauts typically spend the morning working on their assigned tasks. This may include conducting experiments, repairing equipment, or cleaning the station. In the afternoon, astronauts usually have some time for exercise and recreation. They may also use this time to catch up on email or talk to their families back on Earth.

The day ends with a dinner briefing at 6:00 PM. During this briefing, astronauts discuss the day's activities and any upcoming events. After dinner, astronauts typically have some time to relax before going to bed at 10:00 PM.

The Challenges of Living in Space

Living in space is not without its challenges. Astronauts must constantly adapt to the microgravity environment, which can cause a variety of health problems, including bone loss, muscle atrophy, and fluid shifts. Astronauts also face the risk of radiation exposure and isolation from their families and friends.

Despite the challenges, astronauts find their work to be incredibly rewarding. They are part of a team that is pushing the boundaries of human exploration and helping to pave the way for future space missions.


Astronauts aboard the ISS have a unique set of responsibilities to keep their home in space running smoothly. Their daily routines include tasks that range from mundane chores to complex scientific experiments. Despite the challenges of living in space, astronauts find their work to be incredibly rewarding.
